Live entertainment is something that brings us all together as one community, and we love engaging with our customers and seeing all of our followers’ amazing show shots on social media, as well as hearing about your experiences of your time here at the Arena with us. We want to keep you up to date with all of the latest shows coming to Swansea, and take you along on the ride that is live entertainment in South Wales!

Our social media accounts are safe spaces for everyone who engages with them, and we want all of our followers to use our comment sections in this same way. These are our social media House Rules, which we ask all of our followers to observe. We reserve the right to hide or delete comments, or block users who break these House Rules.

Commenting and engaging with our accounts

Everything that you post on any our social media accounts is public, and remember that you are fully responsible for what is said and posted.

We do have the ability to disable comments but we prefer to do this as a last resort or when we judge there is a need to do so, for example, we will not tolerate any personally derogatory comments towards staff, productions, shows etc. Our social media is always intended to allow a two-way dialogue between us and our followers and we want to restrict this as little as possible.

With that in mind, do not post content which is:
Abusive (including expletives)
Racially offensive
Sexually offensive
Spam or unrelated to the post
Includes sensitive information, such as your own, or someone else’s personal details
Includes links to any material containing any of the above

Our social media is monitored and moderated between Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 18:00, and occasionally are lightly monitored during shows. During these periods, comments are moderated. Due to comments not being monitored on weekends for example, we may not see them straight away. However, we reserve the right to delete or hide comments at any time, or block any users, that breach these guidelines, without explanation, and to change our guidelines at any time and without notice.

Show run times

We aim to post approximate running times for shows across our social media on the day of an event, but due to the nature of live entertainment, these are always subject to change.

We receive a high volume of comments and DMs regarding run times, and aim to respond to these once the information is available to us, but we would always ask to bear in mind the above information before sending us your message.

Ticket Reselling

Being a live entertainment venue, our comments sections are often targets for ticket touters. Any comments regarding ticket reselling on our social media are automatically hidden. We strongly advise against engaging with pages or individuals claiming to be reselling tickets to our shows, and recommend only ever purchasing tickets through verified and trusted reselling websites, such as Ticketmaster. You canfind full T&Cs to the conditions of sale via here.


We understand the excitement (and nerves!) of a presale. Presale emails are sent out 30 minutes ahead of the opening time of a presale, and would ask that if customers do not receive their email, that they reserve commenting and DM’ing us until 5 minutes before the opening of the presale. We receive high volumes of comments, and this way we can ensure that those who haven’t received the email are attended to.


If you want to make a complaint, you can email us on