Free Entry

We are delighted to announce a special launch night at Swansea Arena on Thursday the 29th of February for both the 2024 edition of Cân i Gymru and Gŵyl Croeso Abertawe, Swansea’s St David’s Day celebrations.

This free entry event will take place the evening before the main competition and will feature a special solo set from 2021 winner Morgan Elwy as well as sets from Mali Hâf, Lily Maya, and DJ Sgilti.

Call down between 18:00-20:00 to enjoy the best of contemporary Welsh music and to learn more about all the brilliant events happening across Swansea over the weekend.

Rydym wrth ein boddau i gyhoeddi noson lansio arbennig yn Arena Abertawe ar nos Iau’r 29ain o Chwefror ar gyfer Cân i Gymru 2024 a Gŵyl Croeso Abertawe, dathliadau Dydd Gŵyl Dewi’r ddinas.

Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn y noson cyn y brif gystadleuaeth, ac mae’n gwbl rhad ac am ddim i fynychu. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cynnwys set unigol arbennig gan enillydd 2021 Morgan Elwy yn ogystal â pherfformiadau gan Mali Hâf, Lily Maya, a DJ Sgilti.

Dewch draw rhwng 18:00-20:00 i fwynhau’r gorau o gerddoriaeth gyfoes Gymraeg ac i ddysgu mwy am yr holl ddigwyddiadau gwych sy’n cael eu cynnal ar draws Abertawe dros y penwythnos.

Cân i Gymru 2024 Launch: A Coffee Shop Session Special
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Free Entry
We are delighted to announce a special launch night at Swansea Arena on Thursday the 29th of February for both the 2024 edition of Cân i Gymru and Gŵyl Croeso Abertawe, Swansea’s St David’s Day celebrations.
No age restrictions
Running time: 2 hours